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Gathering Our Seeds for the New Moon

It is a time to be grateful for the bountiful harvest we have reaped this past month, as we celebrate the Autumn Equinox and Mabon, while recuperating and preparing new intentions during the waning crescent moon.

As the final phase of the moon cycle, a waning crescent, also known as the balsamic moon is the foundation we lay before embarking on fresh endeavors with the new moon. This makes it a significant time for rejuvenation, contemplation and reflection, that will carry on into the next cycle.

Before we can plant seeds with our ambitions and goals for the new moon, we must gather them and the tools we may need for our garden during the balsamic moon. However, this is not a time of action, it is a period of rest. We are recharging our strength and energy, so we can take on the new cycle with our full potential.

If you are feeling lost or confused at all about the phases of the moon and how they can guide our life, I suggest watching “Phases of The Moon And How To Use The Energy” by YouTuber, Stormie Grace. She guides you through the moon cycle, by using the analogy of a flower, making it easy to understand and apply her teachings.

Presently, we are experiencing the waning crescent phase for this week, as we await the new moon on September 28th. As each day passes, the moon’s illumination will lessen until it is not visible, symbolizing the end of a full rotation and the beginning of a new stage with fresh energy and opportunities.

In preparation for the new cycle, I am sharing activities, techniques and thoughts to meditate on for harnessing the energy of the balsamic moon and flourish in the next month.

Take some time to step back and reflect on what has come in and out of your life this past month. This may be opportunities, people, or even thoughts and feelings, all of these impact our life and are brought into our world for a reason. Maybe contemplate what the universe’s motive is by observing what came naturally, it may be a sign. If you’re a fan of meditation, this notion could be something you ponder.

Treat yourself to a relaxing night in. I don’t know about everyone else, but this past moon cycle brought major transformation into my life, with it’s fair share of obstacles. Every day we fight battles and overcome them, coming out of the other side stronger than before. You deserve to take a night to rest and recharge your soul. Indulge in relaxation by taking a bath, reading a book for enjoyment, going for a stroll, listening to a record or album all the way through, or pampering yourself with face masks, scrubs, and lotions.

Show gratitude and celebrate your prosperity. I am thankful for everything that has happened, because it has led me to where I am today. I accept that my life is guided by the universe and am grateful to receive its blessings throughout my daily life. When you bring gratitude into your mind, you’ll find you have much more to be thankful than you might have imagined.

Let go of anything that no longer serves you. During your time of reflection, you may encounter thoughts, people and situations, that you no longer align with or relate to, yet they continue to draw energy from you. Once you recognize they do not bring anything positive to your life, it will become clear you need to let go and rest easier knowing you are better off.

Clean up your space. Take advantage of this downtime to declutter and reorganize your room, office, home, etc. so you can operate at full capacity. It truly is magical the effects organization can have on accomplishing goals and daily tasks. It's all about tailoring your system to suit your needs, some people enjoy planners and labeled folders, while others may color-code their materials and keep a white board with daily to-dos. Whatever it may be, this effort will lead to simplicity down the line. As you let go of negative energy and tidy up your space, consider donating anything you no longer need, and you will find yourself surrounded what truly brings you joy.

The element we channel is... Earth. The waning crescent moon is a beautiful time for grounding and developing our foundation, which will be our soil in the next cycle. We may connect to the ground literally by laying down and resting, or venturing into nature for reflection and discovery. This element teaches us that intentions and goals grow when they are nourished and cared for. If we take the time to restore ourselves, we can work even harder next cycle and achieve our dreams.

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