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Bottle Your Intentions with a Spell Jar

Updated: Oct 25, 2019

As the Hunter’s Moon has come and gone, I cannot believe we nearing the end of October and Halloween is a week away. Time has passed so swiftly as we have brought our goals and ambitions to fruition leading up to the full moon.

For this lunar cycle, I set intentions to attract success and prosperity with my career and open myself up to sharing and welcoming in more love from family and friends. I am grateful that these wishes have developed and come to fruition, in ways I may have not foreseen but have pleasantly surprised me.

Casting out blessings and a healthy dose of obstacles, the universe is always keeping me on my toes. Trying my best to stay grounded, I remind myself to appreciate every joy and learn from every hardship.

Recently, I started a new job at a coffee shop, while working on freelance writing and marketing, keeping these past weeks exciting with new challenges and experiences. I’ve struggled wading through the waves of creativity, with ebbs and flows of productivity taking on different forms and leaving me feeling drained. This internal conflict will be my focus leading up the new moon, taking this time to reflect on why I get burnt out creatively and how I can sustain an inventive spirit.

As we prepare for the new moon on October 27, I am sharing a spell jar I created for the most recent waxing crescent (the phase right after the new moon), how it aided my ambitions for this moon cycle, and how you can make one of your own.

For those not familiar with spell jars, they are vessels that hold herbs and carry intentions. Every herb and flower holds distinct virtues and benefits. You can evaluate them based on your intentions, with this wonderful and extensive guide to herbs. These magickal properties are channeled into the jars through spellwork of any kind, from writing a unique spell to just speaking your intentions.

They are unique and special to every person, since they are designed to serve the witch assembling them. Even from cycle to cycle, we may make new jars with diverse herbs, based on what these herbs will bring to our life.

Spell jars don’t have to be elaborate, have a variety of herbs, or be any particular size or form. There is no right or wrong way to make one, as long as it means something to you, it will be significant in manifesting your dreams.

Choose a container of any kind to hold your ingredients, whether it’s a mason jar, tupperware or even tiny test tube bottles. I reused bottles I had bought joints in from a dispensary in San Jose, that are the perfect fit for a portable spell jar.

The next step is deciding what you would like to fill the jar with. This will take some inward reflection and contemplation, as you figure out what you truly desire for yourself and your future. Plants hold a multitude of significances and you will find that many of them suit your needs, making it easier to assemble a spell jar with what is accessible.

My jar is comprised of plants that I had readily available, with four of them coming from my herb garden, one from my kitchen cabinet and the other from my tea collection. I choose to include all of these herbs and flowers to magnify my dual wishes.

The herbs I included were:

Basil for love, wealth, flying, and protection.

Peppermint for purification, love, healing, and psychic powers.

Thyme for health, healing, psychic powers, love, purification, and courage.

Rosemary for protection, love, lust, mental powers, purification, healing, and youth.

Lavender for love, protection, longevity, purification, happiness, and peace. (from a tea shop)

Parsley for love, protection, and purification. (from my kitchen cabinet)

My herb garden - mint, thyme, rosemary and basil.

Serving complimenting aspirations, I felt all of them combined would be a wonderful concoction for channeling my intentions. All of these benefits come from the herb guide I linked earlier. I happened to have all of these plants in reach, but I encourage you to look through your spice collection and visit your local tea store to find your ingredients.

It was unintentional but all of the herbs I gathered are connected to love in some way, which was a pleasant surprise given my wish to cherish and share love with my family and friends. Seeking success, I asked for courage to pursue my dreams, happiness with my career, and an attraction of wealth. I also found that purification, protection, and healing were common purposes amongst these plants, giving my spell jar an extra boost to purify my mind, protect my path and heal my heart.

I channeled my wishes into this bottle through writing a spell and performing a ritual at my altar. Everyone’s practice will be different, you may feel compelled to write a spell but simply putting your wishes out into the universe will also bind them to the jar.

This is the spell I wrote for my jar:

as i tread along my path,

protect me from the world’s wrath.

purify my mind and heart,

granting me a fresh start.

may this new cycle embrace love,

cherishing every person, as we come from the stars above.

i will work hard as the moon becomes bright,

keeping prosperity and happiness within sight.

thank you for all that has and is to come,

joy i will cherish and challenges i will overcome.

i feel your love wrap around me,

with you beautiful moon i am free.

My finished spell jar in front of my altar.

I hope this inspires you to assemble a jar of your own, if you do happen to create one, please share it with me I would love to see them! Have a blessed day!

The element we channel is… Fire. Let your passions fuel you to create the life you desire. You can shape it, you can change it, you can manifest it. All of these powers lie within you, just stoke your inner fire a bit and ask it, what do I truly want from life? Once you have your answer you can attract this with a spell jar, speaking your intentions to the universe and putting in the hard work. Find that fire! Blaze your way on your path.

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