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A Fresh Perspective

Life is all about perspective, change your lenses, dust off your thoughts and you may begin to see everything with a bit more vibrance and clarity.

You may not have control over the course your soul will travel, but you do have power in governing your present feelings, words, and behavior. It may not seem within grasp when the world swirls wildly around you, but once this strength is harnessed, you will be fully aware of how a positive perspective can shine on every part of life.

Since moving to Las Vegas, I have enjoyed the legality of marijuana on my front porch, appreciating this act outside, where I can gaze upon trees and desserts plants or admire the moon and stars.

As I came back inside my home, I took a moment to contemplate the act of closing a door and locking it. I thought to myself, does locking the door keep people out or secure me inside?

Doors and locks serve many purposes, but what ultimately decides this is perspective. A door could shut people out, hide someone away, or be an opening to the exciting world outside. A lock could make someone feel safe inside or trapped and wish for freedom. It all comes down to our mindset and how we perceive these situations.

Take a moment to think about your front door. Is this your gateway to the wonders of Earth? Or is it your protection and shield from the world?

There is no right or wrong answer with this, I just want you to explore your perspective towards the door and how this extends to the way you see life.

If you see the door as a gateway, you may find you are more open and receptive to new experiences, people, and ideas. Choosing to attract this exciting energy, you will discover and at times, stumbled into settings, where this spirit is amplified and elevated by others.

If you saw the door as a shield, you may be more guarded and put up barriers to the unknown. It may be in your nature to be cautious and reserved or you may have been hurt in the past and prevent yourself from becoming vulnerable once more. Whatever place you may be in, consider how these walls and doors make you feel when you’re inside them. Is there your safe space or hiding space? Instead of pushing yourself out the door, could you allow people to come in or maybe even just open a window to let the breeze in? These are tiny steps in altering your thoughts and perceptions, that overtime could change your mindset towards life.

Now ask yourself…

Do you see life as a grand adventure? Or do you view life as a laborious task? Do you feel alive and present in your enjoyment? Or do you just exist and allow life to happen?

Once again, no wrong answers to these questions, they are meant to spark reflection into your soul, for evaluating and examining your deepest feelings. Only by being honest with ourselves, we can gain a deeper awareness of our how our mind naturally flows and thinks.

Energy attracts energy. Radiating positive, happy vibrations will magnetize those who share this outlook and joyful moments. But it’s not just solely the bliss of these moments that bring happiness, it’s choosing to recognize every experience as an opportunity to be joyous and grateful.

In this moment we may see ourselves as a happy person, but is this just because we are confronting the good and forgetting the bad? It’s very easy to be happy when everything is going exactly as planned, but when the unexpected hits, how do we respond?

By recognizing that there will be good followed by bad and bad followed by good, we make peace with both realities and put our faith in good always returning. It’s truly in our lowest moments that we cultivate this strength in our mind, reminding ourselves that the sun will always rise and we will be happy once again, we just have to get through the night.

Challenges will always be thrown into our lives, it’s how we approach these mountains, that ultimately affect the climb. We must accept these hardships with gratitude and an open-mind, realizing that without obstacles, growth cannot take place.

Instead of viewing a problem as a negative force in life, try to think of it as a lesson that will aid you on your path. You may not know exactly how or why you need these tools, but believing in them as positive reinforcements on your journey will alter how you handle these struggles. At times, obstacles may have broken down your confidence in yourself and your abilities, but once you view yourself as a powerful force, that is learning and developing with each challenge, you may feel motivated to take them on.

A great analogy my friend recently used is jumping hurdles. You can’t expect yourself to cross the highest hurdle on your first or tenth try. But start with the smallest hurdle, you may not even be able to jump that at first, but each time you try, you will work on your form and jump a little higher. It may be frustrating to not see yourself as the best, but you will watch yourself improve and increase the hurdle height, eventually crossing over the highest hurdle.

The promise of growth is a great motivation, that we must remind ourselves when the going gets tough. Trust me, there have been many times that I have questioned why the universe worked in the way it did, but as time has gone on, these lessons have revealed their importance to me.

Changing your mindset is no easy task. It’s a gradual process that takes mindful moments of observing your thoughts, recognizing your emotions, desiring certain feelings, and altering your brain’s natural pathways of thinking.

I have dedicated myself to many months of reflection and contemplation to get my mind where it is today, yet recognize I still have room for growth. I have tried to stay mindful of my thoughts and how they steer me, which was a challenge at first since I can be impulsive with my words and actions. But once I accepted my instinctive qualities, I actively began to pause my mind and think about the impact my mindset could have.

You will not overhaul your brain in a day or a week, you will have moments when you fall back to your old ways, and this is okay!! Just make the choice to reflect on your perspective and the universe will honor the energy you give.

The element we channel is… Water. This is an element that can take on many forms and symbolize different meanings, based on perspective. You may see a rushing river as a refreshing pool for swimming, while I see it as a home for tiny fish. A crashing waterfall could be a beautiful sight on land or a dangerous feet for a kayaker. When it rains you could feel gloomy about staying inside or delight in the sound and maybe even go dancing outside in the rain. It’s how we view the water that impacts our actions and ultimately, the course of life.

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